Well, once again work got in the way of boat building. My first day of what was supposed to be five straight off and I spent eight hours today at work. Yeesh.
Today was mostly spent fixing things.
As you'll recall from yesterday the hydraulic steering lines weren't going to reach from the existing hole that was drilled in the starboard battery bay so I drilled one lower down, moved the lines and the engine harness cable down, and painted the edges of the hole with BilgeKote.
Since I had the BilgeKote out a line was taped off on both sides of the transom well, painted and the tape removed.
And since I was drilling holes to fix problems I redrilled the holes underneath the transom well to fit a larger conduit. Now it's bloody hard enough to mange to redrill a hole with a hole saw when you're working on a workbench. Try it while laying on your side reaching in underneath a transom well. That's bloody hard! Those holes got a liberal coat of BilgeKote as well.
Since I was on a roll drilling holes I went up on the roof and drilled the hole for the anchor light and pulled the wire. That hollow forward arch is really paying dividends for this kind of stuff.
After pulling those wires, some more work was done in the wiring bay.
And the wires that go to the shifter/throttle assembly were snaked through and bundled.
I'm not sure I like having all that extra wire, I may go back and shorten those some.
Last for the night was another coat of paint around the windows (a few spots will need another) and then wire loom was wrapped around the bundle of wires coming down from the arch.
That'll get undone in the next couple days as there are more wires to run, but I wanted it cleaned up.
3 Hours