Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 244 - Frustration...

I think too much work and not enough sleep is catching up with me. Worked late tonight at work, went to the shed to work on the boat and finally got so frustrated that I went home.

So here's a quick summary of the things that did get done.

As noted last night there was a snag with trying to get the hydraulic steering lines around the last bend in the conduit. Dad came out to help and with him yanking and pushing at the stern, and me doing the same in the cuddy, we got it through. Thanks Dad!

After I got the lines pulled up to their final position at the helm I went to the stern to feed them through the hole in the battery bay. And what did I find?

Sigh, with the hole that high the lines aren't going to reach. That means I'll have to drill another hole down lower. Bugger.

Then I went to the front to install the lines in the helm. That went well except for one minor issue.

Because the fitting off the back of the helm is a 45 degree and not a ninety the lines stick out beyond the door. Sigh. Now I'll have to modify the door. Bugger.

On the plus side I got more of the wiring done which made me happy.

Until I went to connect the last two fittings between the gauge and the engine harness.

Well, those certainly aren't going to go together. Turns out I need a "junction box" to hook them up. Sigh. Bugger.

To finally bring something to a positive conclusion I mounted the fuel tank selector valve on its bracket.

Yay! It works! :-/

2 Hours