Tonight started out with a little testing. It occurred to me that the 1" PVC that was going to be installed from side to side between the battery bays might not be big enough with the three runs of wire and a piece of 5/16" fule line. And sure enough, it's not. So set that aside and I'll come back to it tomorrow.
Then it was time for more assembly in the wiring area. The trick to pulling things through a conduit is to pull the biggest thing first and then pull the smaller stuff. Well, in this case the biggest thing was the engine harness, the next was the cable for the sonar so that got pulled tonight.
Turns out it's only a little long (about six inches :-) which is handy as I don't have to deal with any excess. I installed the Lowrance chartplotter, hooked up that cable and then hooked up the power cable. I can't terminate the power feeds as I'm waiting for more connectors. Also discovered that my $1100 chartplotter doesn't come with the appropriate cables to hook it up to an NMEA 2000 network (the latest way to interconnect marine devices) so I'll have to buy the parts. Dirty rotten cheap buggers. Makes me mad.
After installing the protector that should help keep the water out of the large hole in the transom well for the cables to the engine I mounted the transducer. I get to uninstall it to seal the holes, but that won't take long.
I went back up front and did some more sorting on the wiring. I think I've done a pretty good job of organizing the wire runs and I don't think there will be much extra from any of the factory cables that will need to be dealt with. There are three; the outside air temp cable (which got hooked up tonight), the lanyard emergency stop switch, and the trim cable that will be long, but I can coil that wire up and hide it in the shifter/throttle area instead of the main wiring area.
It looks a little messy, but as connections are made, and wiring bundled, it keeps getting better.
The last set of stuff to be pulled from the back to the front is turning out to be a big pain. The tubing for the hydraulic steering is a very stiff plastic, and as it came coiled up, it really wants to stay that way. I tried to pull both tubes plus two 16 gauge wires and I couldn't quite finish. It's hung up at the last bend and I think I'm going to either need help to get it through, or I may have to pull them individually. I'd rather not do that as that's likely to be even more difficult, but we'll see.
I finished the night with some painting. It was so late that I sanded the outside of the transom well and gave it a coat of white, applied the last coat inside the cabin fuel area, rolled a few places in the cabin that needed some touch-up and the two loose pieces. Didn't do the windows as I touched up in the area I need to work in to paint the windows. Oops. :-)
4 Hours