Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 52 - In th dark

no one can hear you scream.

Quote from a movie, I think. But scream I almost did. Getting ahead of myself I am though.

Tonight was for building the shelves/corner braces for the transom. I did that yesterday, but with 3/4" ply instead of 1 1/8" so I got to do it over again tonight. This was ok though as the practice last night made doing them again easier. I cut the bottom corner brace for each side first, then traced and cut the upper shelf for each side. With angles on two sides of each piece, one for the side panel at 21 degrees and one for the transom at 15 degrees, that meant that I could only measure and cut the first one.

Set the transom up on the sawhorses and swept it clean from all the sawdust I've made the past two days. Then stacked each pair of plywood pieces, lined them up and drove two screws for alignment. Pulled the screws and mixed up a batch of epoxy and started coating the plywood faces. And then...

Everything went silent and dark.

Yep. Power outage. The wind has been howling the past two day and we've had sporadic power outages around town, but this couldn't have happened at a worse time and was I prepared? No. So I carefully work my way over to my cellphone, turn up the brightness and go back to work. What a pain.

A few minutes later Debbie stopped by with a headlamp and I was able to work a lot faster. Put some peanut butter down and screwed the plywood pieces together. Then put some epoxy in the slots in the transom, slathered in some peanut butter and set the plywood pieces in the slots. Drilled three holes on the backside of the transom and drove three screws to pull the transom and the plywood together.

You will note the clamps. Another DDD. I cut the angle wrong.



4.5 Hours