Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 70 - Today I declare...

it's a boat. It'll float and it won't get waterlogged.

At least I think it'll float and it won't get waterlogged. :-)

I put the last piece of fiberglass on the outside today and with that the massive pieces of fiberglass work are finished. Here's a shot of the transom.

Yee haw! And tomorrow I start sanding.

I hate sanding. Did I ever say that? Yep, it ranks right up there with painting it does. I think it's because there's so little physical progress. Oh well, so what's a guy to do?

Buy a new power tool of course! Women buy shoes, men buy power tools. Only fair says I. :-) I bought a larger orbital sander, should make things go a little faster and make for less long board sanding, which reminds me...


3 Hours