Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 71 - Itch, itch, itch...

Maybe the reason I dislike sanding fiberglass so much is because it make me itch. :-( I wore a short sleeve shirt today and won't do that again when I'm sanding, long sleeves only! Anyways, one of the problems with sanding is it shows one just what one missed when applying epoxy. Even with all the work I did to squeegee the excess epoxy out of the fiberglass some still ran out and down the sides and the sanding made this painfully obvious.

High spots are white, low spots are not. This is after sanding with 60 grit sandpaper (do like that new sander!) and then wiping it down with a mixture of hot water and ammonia. After washing and drying I applied another layer of epoxy over the entire hull to fill in the weave in the glass and provide a smooth layer to protect the fiberglass.

5 Hours