Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 73 - I hate sanding...

'Nuf said.

The starboard side was sanded today. Went through six sheets of 60 grit sandpaper and probably should have used more. After sanding, for a break, I went to Home Depot to buy another box of sandpaper, a long paint edger to use for fairing, more 2 1/2" screws and seven 2x3's to cut up to use for spray rails. They're really wet so I screwed them down side-by-side to the floor. Hopefully that will help them dry straight.

After getting back from Home Depot I started fairing the low spots from the sanding. I made up small batches of epoxy, mixed in a little bit of microballons for color (it's purple) and a whole lot of cab-o-sil (a very fine silica powder to make a very smooth, but thick mixture that I then spread on the hull in the low spots and used the long edger to smooth it over.

Here's what the hull looks like tonight.

The sides are pretty good except at the scarfs and the hull needed a whole lot of help. :-) I'll start sanding and fairing the other side tomorrow. Once that's done I'll apply a thin coat of epoxy.

I'm waiting for graphite powder to arrive. The graphite will be added to the epoxy and painted on the hull to the waterline. Obviously graphite is black so that will provide the first color to the hull, plus it's very tough to help provide protection from scratches and dings.

8 Hours