Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 67 - It's raining...

inside. :-(

It warmed up today above freezing and all the moisture that had frozen to the inside of the tarp above the fiberglass batt thawed, ran through the fiberglass and drip, drip, dripped all over everything. I had my collection of paint buckets, trays and towels all over the boat trying to keep the water off.

The water on the hull is not a problem per se, I just really didn't want it on the uncured epoxy and bare plywood. I cranked the heat, fans and dehumidifier up and by about 7pm tonight it had quit. I took my roll of fiberglass in the garage and measured out two lengths for the sides that I'll hopefully put on tomorrow. I've got help coming so that will make it easier to manage I think. Ran some errands and called it a day.

2 Hours