Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 80 - Spray rails are a challenge

Why no post yesterday? Well I actually went over to the shed to work, spent about five minutes figuring out that I had another DDD moment on my hands. I had cut the angles on the ends wrong and nothing was going to line up, plus there was no way I was going to be able to bend them. So I shut things down and left in utter disgust. Yesterday doesn't count.

Today was much better. I had taken the day off planning to fly to Anchorage for a shopping trip with friends, but flying as non-revs means you fly space available and this morning there was no space available. Dang! So I spent the day working on the boat.

Decided to take another tack on the spray rails by cutting an extra sheet of 3/8" plywood that I had left over from the side panels. I'd already cut scarfs on the ends so I cut it into strips with the 30 degree angle and then started putting them on the sides. The first layer was easy. Spread some epoxy and screw the strip down. But then how to put on the second layer? Bleagh. Fought it and finally did get the second layer on and decided to stop to let the epoxy set up.  I'll add another layer tomorrow night, clean them up and call them good.

No pictures today, forgot my phone!

8 Hours