Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 95 - Fillin' in the gaps

No pictures tonight, just nothing interesting to look at. :-)

The two boo-boos were corrected tonight. The starboard side one was trimmed off and the port side one was trimmed back.

Then I worked on trimming and sanding back the edges of the shelves installed yesterday even with the hull.

And then it was on to actually installing more shelf pieces. The starboard side long piece was first, then I used two pieces on either side to fill in the gap between the forward piece from the bow and the long middle piece. Each new piece was carefully cut to shape, glued, screwed and clamped in place.

Tomorrow I'll pull all the screws and clamps and trim and sand the outside edges. I might get so far as to cutting the inside angle, but we'll see about that. Once that inside angle is cut I can install the wide shelf pieces at the back on the rear deck.

Oh, my fiberglass arrived today. Yay! I suspect the epoxy will arrive next week and I've ordered the two fuel tanks that will go in the cabin space; 27 gallons each.

3 Hours