Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 101 - Tanks a lot

Today was a day for little things, but two big things arrived in the mail.

My gas tanks! I ordered two 27 gallon tanks that will sit in the cabin back against the rear bulkhead. They'll sit on the decking and ribs installed on the hull that I worked on tonight.

Each of the ribs had to be customized some to get them to fit right. There are eighteen of them, nine to a side and the hull changes shape underneath about half of them. The others, well, let's just say my fiberglass job wasn't as smooth as it might be next time. :-)

Anyways, after getting them all to fit I unboxed one of the tanks and put it in its approximate position.

Looks good! I'm still debating whether I want to add a third tank below the rear deck. My goal for running distance on this boat is down to Tracy Arm and back and that's about 200 miles or so, and conservatively figuring 4MPG I'm perilously close to the edge. Having the third tank wouldn't mean I'd have to fill it or use it, it just adds options and distance and that could make the difference between going somewhere or not. We'll see.

After this I took all the ribs out, put a piece of 3/4" ply on the sawhorses, covered it with poly and using the long scrap pieces of 4oz cloth left over from the side panels. I fiberglassed all the ribs at once. Lay out all the pieces, mix and spread some epoxy and simply roll the fiberglass over the top. Much faster than cutting individual pieces and really no more waste.

Tomorrow I'll cut them out, flip them over and repeat. Then I'll start cleaning the hull. I've got to make sure everything's sanded where it should be and then I'll vacuum it, and finally I'll wash it with ammonia and water. No much fun, but gotta be done!

3 Hours