Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 118 - Pieces and parts

parts and pieces. Cutting and sanding and peanut butter and epoxy oh my!

Further progress was made on the bunks tonight. I finished drawing the lines for the underside supports for the hatches.

Measure twice, cut once. :-)

Once all the parts and pieces where cut out I mixed up a batch of epoxy and started gluing and screwing them together. The underside supports for these hatches are an inch wide instead of the 1/2" I used on the doors. I want a little more support there and there's definitely more stress.

I used some of the leftover epoxy to finally attach that nailer I've been talking about for days.

And I used some more of it to coat whatever else I could find inside the hatches that hadn't been coated yet. I also trimmed and sanded some of the bumps and stickery things (that's a technical term for stuff that draws blood when you're not paying attention).

Finally, I turned what was left of the epoxy into peanut butter, made a little more epoxy to make a little more peanut butter and applied a fillet and fiberglass to that last joint between the bulkhead and the hull.

Tomorrow I'll clean the storage areas, the bottom of the bunk decking and hatches, and then apply the first coat of paint. They'll get a second on Saturday for good measure and then I'll probably assemble everything Saturday night. A coat of epoxy on top, fillets and fiberglass on the hull-to-deck seams as well as the deck-to-flotation tank joint and then the hinges and it should be good to go.

Oh, almost forgot. I need to drill a finger hole in each hatch so they can be opened. :-)

I'm not going to install the porta-potty yet, that needs some more pondering, but I can get started on the rear bulkhead. That will entail it's own set of challenges.

4.5 Hours