Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 109 - Hurking big tools

Got your attention? I got a late start tonight as I worked late and as such I wasn't able to get much done. I made a trip to Home Depot to get sandpaper, pipe joints and four very large and heavy tools. I'm not going to share what they are until tomorrow when they get used, but they might be worth a laugh!

I did get a couple small details done before big work tomorrow. First I made a batch of epoxy and used that epoxy to paint the edges of the deck panels that I missed yesterday plus recoating the knots in the wood that needed a second coat. I also used the epoxy to coat the ends and sides of the support strips I epoxied in the hull last night. And I used what was left to coat the insides of the holes for the conduits in the bulkheads.

Tomorrow will be a busy day. I plan on getting both the cuddy and cabin decks laid down, conduit installed, the front bulkhead panel installed and touch up painting done, blocking for the rear bulkhead, and on and on and on... :-)

1.5 Hours