Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 140 - Back in the cuddy again

Amazing how much time I'm spending working in the cuddy. Hopefully this isn't a view into the future for the cabin. :-)

I worked on finishing the floor tonight. I had epoxied in the plywood floor and roughly filled it in around the edges, but never finished it with all the other work going on around it.

I spent a fair amount of time sanding the area smooth and knocking off the small blobs of peanut butter that had accumulated from all the work done earlier. After a thorough sanding and vacuuming I made a runny batch of peanut butter, poured it in the low spots along the edges of the plywood and smoothed it level.

To give it some time to start to set up I used the extra peanut butter to both fill more holes and also fillet and fiberglass the joint at the port side deck-to-forward cabin wall.

Multiple small batches of epoxy were up next as I coated the plywood floor, laid in a piece of 7oz triax and carefully coated the dry spots.

The left over epoxy was used to coat various pieces of bare wood, mostly in the rear deck area.

I spent some time doing some measurements in preparation for the installation of the sides. While it's simple in concept I think it will be a little more difficult in execution. Much to think about for the next couple days.

After trimming the green glass left over from yesterday I built and installed two braces to be used to support the vertical side panels.

Won't be much time to work tomorrow night, but I want to get the cuddy floor finished.

3.5 Hours