Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 146 - The wiggle test

Well, further progress was made on the cuddy roof tonight. All of the ribs have been cut and placed and I even allowed for a hatch at some point in the future. I laid in one of the 1/4" ply strips that will run along the side, but there's so much stress on it that I've decided to install those pieces only when I ready to epoxy them down. I'm not sure they'd survive being bent that severely twice.

So tomorrow I'll uninstall the ribs one set at a time, epoxy them and put them back in place. The top of the rest of the plywood will also get a coating. Then Thursday I'll cut and install the insulation and the top layer of plywood.

The rest of tonight was spent ripping more one inch strips of 1/4" ply for the cabin roof. Don't know if I'll have enough, but since I'm set up for it I figured I might as well take advantage.

Oh, and the wiggle test? I discovered tonight that any one inch strip of plywood with a partial football in it (a football is the shape of the patch of wood that is inserted in the layer of ply after a knot or defect is cut out) will break at that football if shaken in that area. Looks good on the surface, fails the strength test.

3 Hours