Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 176 - More and more

Today started out like yesterday ended, more sanding. The starboard sides and shelves were done, the forward deck, and the cuddy roof. Then I had the pleasure of sanding the underside of the roof where the forward windows will go.

Laying flat on my back, holding the sander up and managing the shop vac hose all at the same time was a real joy. Paying for that tonight, but no other way to do it. Wouldn't have had to do this with a little better planning earlier on, oh well.

Those inside roof supports got some sanding and then I moved back outside and worked on the side roof strips that had their holes peanut buttered yesterday plus sanding underneath those edges, doing my best to even and smooth them out. Not particularly pleased with the final product, but there's no easy way to get to them. Went to the back and sanded the rear roof strip flat just like the side strips, but the bottom edge was cut flush with the router (love my router!) and a flush cut bit. Finally I sanded the spray rails, top and bottom.

My friend Kim showed up to help out and I put her to work on the sides to start prep for painting. She washed the sides with ammonia water, then sanded all the high spots and epoxy drips smooth and marked the divots and low spots. I made up some epoxy and she filled those divots and low spots, plus worked on cleaning up the spray rails. Did a great job!

Some final sanding on her work and those sides will be ready to paint! It will be good to get that paint on so it has plenty of time to harden.

While she was working down below, I was continuing the sanding up top. The roof got its final sanding. Two coats of paint, sand smooth with 200 grit, two more coats of paint, sand smooth with 200 grit, and the final coat of paint was put on tonight. No more sanding, it's done.

Well, almost, I still have to install the radar mount, but it got a coat of paint tonight.

Tomorrow it will get another coat of paint and then it will be epoxied to the roof. A little more sanding and some more paint, then the roof will be done!

The forward face of the roof arch got painted as I won't be able to get it once the forward windows are installed. You can see that in the first photo above.

Tomorrow will be a fiberglass day I think. The radar mount, the roof side and rear faces, another layer on the cuddy roof and the sides. I need to roll some epoxy into the weave of the fiberglass on the shelves. Busy me thinks.

Oh, thought for the day.

Friends help you build a boat. Good friends sand. :-)

4 Hrs - Kim
10 Hrs - Me