Saturday, September 17, 2011


Or for my American friends: SCORE!!!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen today was a great day. I got up this morning, pulled up Craigslist and what do I see? Five gallons of System 3 resin, five gallons of System 3 hardener, 50 yards of 7oz biax glass and 25 yards of 7oz triax glass for...

400 bucks.

Yep. Can you say speed dial? Wheee!

Never thought I'd be this excited about fiberglass, but you take your grins where you can! Such a good deal I couldn't even dicker on the price. Nice guy, we chatted boats for a while, and off I went. Stopped by Don Abel and bought a dehumidifier and headed for the shed. Was pleasantly surprised at the warmth inside.

Got most of the rest of the plastic up, jammed my staple hammer (grrr, that's going back to Home Depot), did some cleanup and had some friends stop by to chat. A little more plastic on the ends tomorrow and I'm ready to go! Last of the photos until sawdust flies, although I'll still post updates.

5 Hours
$400 - Resin and Fiberglass