Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 9 - A day for little things

Today was a day for doing little things. Finishing the door with a hasp, handle and poly covering; putting the last of the poly on the ends and securing it, but thinking I may redo that with proper tarp, I'm not sure it will last, plus I'm losing a lot of light to the outside; tying down the last rope over the top and adding more screws to the battens around the side; replacing the GFI outlet so that I don't keep tripping it with the fluorescent lamps; sorting stuff and general sweeping and cleaning up. Looking good! Nice to be able to work until I want to quit, not when the sun goes down.

I pulled up one of the plywood floor sections as one edge wasn't properly supported and kept sagging when I stepped on it and discovered pooled water underneath on the poly! Ding-dang-durn it. Drained the water and added support for the edge of the plywood and re-screwed it down. Pulled another section and more water. Drained that too, now I have to figure out if I'm going to pull all the sections not trapped down by the walls or only the sections that got rained on. Something else to ponder tonight.

Need to pick up two more work lamps and figure out how to get power to them, plus add the interior poly. Then I'm ready to go.

No pictures tonight, nothing big to see for changes.

3.5 Hours