Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 17 - Blow wind blow!

This day had to come and I was dreading it somewhat. We can get some nasty wind storms and monsoonal rains and we got a good one today. It was blowing this morning, but by this afternoon it was howling 50+MPH with gusts over 60MPH! Wasn't much I could do about it, but right after work I headed over to the shop and did a quick drive by. Everything looked fine so off I went.

I was supposed to take the day off as I had plans for this evening, but the wind put paid to that. I went home after checking the shed and almost didn't make it back out. I can be a horrible procrastinator; that's why I go straight from work to the shop, the diversions at home are just too much. :-) Tonight I got home and was thinking about doing other things, realized what I was doing, chewed myself out and headed out the door.

Got to the shed and worked on cutting out the bottom mold pieces. I cut them out of the extra pieces of inch and an eighth plywood. I cut an extra set of rear molds to put back at the transom since I'm extending the hull two feet beyond the jig.

Took the two extra sheets of plywood I had laying around, 3/8ths and 1/2 inch and glued them together and screwed them to the floor. I'll cut them up for bracing on the jig.

It was a little eerie having the lights swaying when the wind gusts came through, but after spending time working inside and watching things flex and move, I'm feeling pretty confident about the shed construction. The top tarp didn't flap at all and the ends only billowed some, while the PVC frame just swayed back and forth.

Life is good!

1.5 Hours