Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 19 - Success and frustration

Well, today started out well and ended not so much. Got started about 9am and it was a brisk morning. As noted yesterday, termination snow was revealed on the mountains and a clear sunny day was supposed to become a cool cloudy night. Nope. Stayed clear all night and this morning it was a brisk 34 degrees. Inside the shed it was right at fifty but with the sun coming up it would be a good test of the black tarp and how much of a difference it would make.

Grabbed the 10" Skilsaw and jig and went after the 3/8" and 1/4" plywood and in less than two hours I had all the scarfs cut. Took a while, but I finally worked out a quick system for the process.

Grab a sheet of plywood. Mark the correct distances. Set and clamp the straight-edge. Clamp the plywood to the sawhorse. Cut the scarf. Pull the clamps. Flip the plywood. Repeat. Done!

As the sun started to rise I could feel the heat start to radiate inside and finally I had to open the door as the temperature rose to 70+ degrees!

This is great for drying stuff out and pulling the humidity out!

Then I unstrapped the Versalams, put them up on the sawhorses and discovered some very bad news.

The 19' Versalam was so badly cupped at one end you could slip two quarters and a nickel underneath a straight-edge spanning the plank!

And starting eight feet from the other end the Versalam bends more than two inches off center!

Then I put a straight-edge on the short Versalam and over its' length it's cupped 3/16" of an inch.

This is completely unacceptable. Valley Lumber and I will be having a talk tomorrow. If they can't deliver dry, flat and straight lumber then I'll be going somewhere else. They left the plywood and Versalams outside where they got soaked in the rain and lied to me saying they called but couldn't reach me. They get one more chance to get it right or we're done.

I'm not happy.

I was so wound up that I decided to quit for the day. Time wasted, but I make stupid decisions when I'm mad, so it's for the best.

On the plus side, the I did pick up a second box fan and three filters. I pulled the front grills off the fans and screwed them together. Put the grills back on and taped the filters in place, then wired them for a single cord. Works even better than a single fan! Glad to have all that dust in the filters and not on everything or in my lungs.

3.5 Hours