Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 6 - Meet the neighborhood

Want to meet you neighbors? Build a house. Want to meet the neighborhood? Build a boat. :-)

Every day someone new stops by to ask what I'm doing and the most common comment is, "That's cool!" "I think so too", I reply.

Today was a gorgeous day, warm, calm and blue skies. Got a huge amount done: glued up the PVC pipes for the arches, mounted them on their support posts, mounted the horizontals and zip tied and gorilla taped everything together, built the end walls and got the corner bracing in place. Did lots of cleanup too, quite the pile of sawdust!

I spent some time too just looking at this creation. It's starting to dawn on me just how big this project will be.

Tomorrow is a huge milestone day as the roof tarp goes on, the ends are sealed and hopefully a door gets installed.

Two pictures tonight.

10.5 Hours