Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 198 - White, primer and motivation...

I don't know what got into me tonight. I got very little sleep last night because of late night work so I was kind of a zombie. And then Mike Schlechter posted some awesome pictures over on Fishyfish of a trip last week he and his son took to Glacier Bay. Here's one...

 Photo Copyright Mike Schlechter

Now just how cool is that!

By the time I got to the shed tonight, our rainy cool day had turned to a sunny cool day and inside it was almost 80 degrees! Dang hot, but actually pretty awesome as I was able to prop the door open and leave it that way all night.

I turned off the electric heater, turned on the fans and fired up one burner on the propane. Stayed above 70 all night.

Got another coat of white paint on the topsides.

And I don't know what got into me, but once I started painting I didn't quit. After the topsides I painted the peanut butter joints Brian did inside the battery bays.

I grabbed the quart can of Bilgekote. It had about a third of the can left and I had saved it just in case and I used it to paint both sides of the fuel filler assemblies.

These might end up with some fuel spill so the Bilgekote is a good choice here. I did the backside with it just because. :-)

Primer was next and I painted the upper half of the entire inside of the cabin. I have no idea what got me going on it, but once I started I wasn't going to stop.

Maybe having the door open to let the fumes out made it more comfortable to work...

Oh well, I got a lot done!

3.5 Hours