Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 215 - Taping along

Today was a painting day, but it started with taping. There are going to be some areas done as non-skid, which in my case is a couple layers of paint, a third wet coat with sand spread in it, and after sweeping out the loose sand, a fourth coat. The rear deck will be done this way as well as sections of the shelves (or gunwales as they shall henceforth be called) and the forward deck.

Now the entirety of the floor of the rear deck will be done, but the gunwales I wanted to do a little bit differently. There will be sections between the cleats and a short section just aft of the roof, with a one inch gap between the sides and the non-skid, and the non-skid and the edge of the hull.

Of course I can't do it the easy way with square corners where the tapes meets. No, I had to round those corners off, and that takes time to tape, mark the arc and trim out with the razor blade. Took almost an hour and a half.

After taping I used a trick I learned from the paint store guys to keep a nice edge with the paint. Even with the best tape you'll still have places where the paint bleeds under the edge of the tape. But if you put the tape down and paint the edge with the original color paint, then any paint that bleeds under will match and at the same time seal the edge!


So with that, the white paint was put to work painting not only the edge of the tape, but everything that was painted yesterday too. Inside the cabin, the outside rear cabin wall, the movable seat, the sliding door and all those lovely loose pieces.

Then it was time for the paint for the non-skid areas. I'm using a mixture of gray and blue which I'm not sure whether I'll like or not. It's not real blue (which is good, because the blue in the can is intense!), but it might be too much gray. We'll just have to see after a couple coats how it looks.

The gunwales and forward deck got a coat.

And then the rear deck. And I discovered that I got a little ahead of myself when I installed the deck plates and hatches the other day.

I now have to paint around them.

Oops. :-)

But it got done. The color's a little funky as it's the first coat on white (a reverse of the white on brown I've been dealing with), so it'll take a couple coats to get the real color.

We'll see, we'll see...

Tomorrow will be another painting day, more of the same from today.

3.5 Hours