Coat number four of white paint went on the topsides tonight, but not before a round of sanding. Just like the hull, this is the only sanding I'll do on the topsides. It's only purpose is to knock down the nubbies and generally smooth things out, not to end up with a mirror finish. I'm using foam sanding blocks which are pretty cool as they conform to the curves and angles on the boat that a hard block wouldn't do.
After the topsides, I went inside the cabin and painted the primer areas white (see above). The roof won't get any more than this initial coat as I'll be installing headliner there, but there will be more painting on the inside sides.
Parts have started arriving for the fuel system, hoses and fittings and the like. I'm going to try to get that mostly done this weekend along with some furniture building in the cabin. Might work on the front windows too.
Oh, bit of a surprise this afternoon at work when the clouds lifted...
Yep, that's fresh snow up on them thar' mountains! Probably about the 2000' level. Gotta love Alaska!
4 Hours